Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Your Film

We recently had a visit from 'your film' this is a buissness developed by two ex pupils from our school. They have both achieved what they wanted in life by following their pasison for media. They are a company who produces films for commercial & buisness purposes.

They talked alot about how they went about planning, preparing & constructing their work & their main message was to 'follow your ideas and you will succeed, dont let anybody tell you somthing isnt achievable' We as a group when producing out product are going to take this into consideration during the ideas proccess, we will ensure our time keeping is kept to a managable levelm & will thouroughly plan ideas before attempting them.

Year 13 Project

For Year 13 we were given a list of ideas based on th film industry.

Me and the other members of our group decided we either wanted to work on the Film Trailer or music video. In the end we decided upon th music video.

We feel this could be more of a challenge as there are so many different things we could produce. We have already discussed our individual roles within the group, that being shauni as the director, jade as the editor and i will be the producer. I understand from this that my role will be to take charge of the actual filming, choosing correct locations for shooting, ensuring the lighting is appriopriate, & using a variety of shots and angles.

We will start by brainstorming our ideas, for song choices, storylines, locations, costumes and characters.
We will then produce a quesstionairre to further condense our ideas into what the public would prefer to watch.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Year 12 Summary

In year 12 i was given the task of creating a front cover, contents page and article for a music magazine. During this project i gained experience in photography and photshop editing. In my opinion i was better at the actual photo taking than the editing as i learned all of the camera angles and diferent length shots. I thought this was really interesting and enjoyed shooting different poses for the front cover. During the editing stage i learned a number of different skills such as changing the levels of the photo, contrasting the colours, and adding different fonts.
We orgionally did a practice execricse before creating the final magazine, and i feel that i improved exceptionally from this stage to the end product. In the final stages of the magazine i feel that it had a professional style, however there were a few things that i am going to take into consideration whilst doing my A2 project such as making my different length shots more prominant, and keeping the focus very precise. Also another thing i feel i need to improve whilst doing my A2 project is my time keeping, as last year i feel i was slightly rushed towards the end as i didnt plan efficiently. this year i will make my self a personal schedual that i will try to follow to ensure that i have a fair amount of time for each stage of the project.